All tagged lumberjanes

My March Reading Wrap-Up

March was the month of re-reading. While I did read some new books tonight, the majority of my reading this month involved returning to old favourites. And I have no regrets - because I read more this month than I have done the rest of 2021 put together, and I feel I’ve actually read enough books to warrant a wrap-up? Wild.

My August Reading Wrap-Up

The summer holidays really are the greatest gift to my ability to keep on top of my TBR… As a result, welcome to possibly the longest wrap up I’ve ever written on this blog. I read so many books in August, so it’s hardly a surprise we’re half way through September and I’m only just posting this! But I really did have an excellent month of reading, and have several new favourites - including another contender for the best book I’ve read in 2020…