Readathon: Book HiBEARnation

Readathon: Book HiBEARnation

What’s this? I’m blogging again? Well, I suppose there’s nothing like a pandemic to give you time and space to do all the things life has somewhat got in the way of in the meantime!

The reason I decided to crack out my keyboard and get blogging is because I’m really looking forwards to joining in with SavidgeReads ‘Book Hibearnation’ Readathon this weekend! I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve been reading lots more since being stuck in the house - which has actually been lovely. I’ve made a mental note to do my year in books so far type of post at some point soon as well!

Anyway - the readathon! The guide is all in this video here if you want to participate.

The Basic Prompts

A book by a favourite author. For this, I’ve got two choices. But either way, I’m reading some more from the queen that is V.E. Schwab this weekend. Depending on how reading my other chosen books goes, I’m either going to read TUNNEL OF BONES, or finally read the rest of VENGEFUL. Or both. I just love V’s books so much, you guys.

A book you have been saving for a rainy day. For this I’ve chosen DEEPLIGHT by Frances Hardinge. I was gifted the very beautiful hardback of this for Christmas, and haven’t yet got round to it. I absolutely love the style of Frances Hardinge’s writing - it’s a kind of creepy, ethereal, unsettling narrative which is so compelling. I read and adored A Skinful Of Shadows when that came out, so looking forward to treating myself to her latest!

A book that is short and sweet. For this I decided to choose a graphic novel. What’s more, a graphic novel that wasn’t Heartstopper. Who even am I?! My choice for this prompt is MOONCAKES by Wendy Xu and Suzanne Walker. I picked this up in Gay’s The Word last time I visited on Kate’s recommendation, and I’m excited to get reading! Romance, witches, werewolves and demons? Sign me up!

A comfort read from your favourite time period. This was actually the hardest of all the prompts for me! Not because I don’t read historical fiction, because I do - more because I don’t really have many on my TBR. (Also, because as soon as someone says historical fiction I have an overwhelming urge to just re-read the ‘And I Darken’ series by Kiersten White again. If you haven’t read that series, you are missing OUT).
Anyway. I digress. The book I’ve actually chosen is ENCHANTEE by Gita Trelease. I bought this ages ago and never got round to reading it so I felt I ought to chuck it in to the mix with the other books on my list for this weekend!

The Additional Prompts

A Women’s Prize 2020 longlisted book. So I’ve replaced this prompt with a YA Book Prize shortlisted book, because I don’t read books for grown ups! However, I’ve got two choices here: THE PLACES I’VE CRIED IN PUBLIC by Holly Bourne, or A GOOD GIRL’S GUIDE TO MURDER by Holly Jackson. I’ve given myself a choice here because ideally I want to read the Holly Bourne - she’s one of my fave authors! - but I need to be in the mental headspace to read a book about the issues that TPICIP tackles. So, if I’m not feeling up to it then I will read AGGGTM instead!

(Also, I really need to get hold of the Carnegie Medal shortlist. We started working from home before the shortlist was available and I have not read anywhere NEAR as many of them as usual. Goodness.)

A book with a bear on it OR a book with a bear in it. This is the easiest choice I’ve made on this whole list of prompts! For this one I’ll be reading THE GIRL WHO SPEAKS BEAR by Sophie Anderson. it’s another book I’ve had for ages but haven’t got round to (which is ridiculous, because I loved The House With Chicken Legs!). Just from reading the blurb I get similar vibes to North Child by Edith Pattou, which was one of my favourite books when I was growing up.

Reading for 24 hours out of 48. I mean, I can try. Although I do read at the speed of light, so could I do 24hrs reading in less than 24hrs? That is the eternal question.


Are you joining in with the Book Hibearnation this weekend? I’ll be live-tweeting @writinghideout on Twitter and @thewritinghideout on Instagram, so come and join me there!

Happy reading!

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