#MakeYourMythTaker Readathon!

#MakeYourMythTaker Readathon!

I cannot resist a good readathon, and when I saw Ashleigh’s video (and my twitter feed) getting excited over #MakeYourMythTaker, I thought I needed to give it a go! I love fantasy as a genre anyway, as well as myths and retellings - my WIP is a myth/legend retelling! - so I’m excited to read the books I’ve chosen, as well as getting loads of recommendations from everyone else who’s participating throughout the month!

First off, the announcement video is here, which explains how this readathon works. I’m very grateful it’s not any more complicated than this, as I already bailed on doing the OWLs readathon this year because it seemed too complicated!

I’m going to follow the Warrior path (the readathon info and graphics are all here):

Warrior Tree.png

So within the Warrior path, I’ve decided to follow the knight route, which will be precisely zero of a surprise to any of you. Also, it had the easiest prompts to follow based on the books I currently own but haven’t read. So here’s my TBR for #MakeYourMythTaker !

Book 1: A Book By A Favourite Author

For this prompt I’m going to be reading Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor. I read DOSAB in April but am trying to space out when I read them, as otherwise I think all the others books I read won’t stand a chance of being appreciated. Her worldbuilding is so incredible, and the last book left off in such dramatic style, that I can’t wait to find out what happens to the characters next!

Book 2: A Book With A Weapon On The Cover

For this one I chose Dark Blade by Steve Feasey. It’s been on my shelf for a while, and recently I’ve been really trying to hunt down fantasy books that sit in that ground between middle grade adventure and young adult / adult fantasy. I’m thinking authors like Garth Nix, Trudi Canavan, who can act as a real stepping stone for young readers in to the world of YA fantasy. And this one has a boy holding a sword on the front, so it seemed a perfect choice!

If I DNF this book for whatever reason, my back-up choice is ‘The Last Namsara’, which also has a sword on the cover!

Book 3: Continue A Series

I’m going with the audiobook option for this one, and I’ll be reading The Two Towers. I’ve always found reading LOTR really difficult, but it turns out that if I listen to the audiobooks (read by the brilliant Rob Inglis) I do actually take the story in without my brain going to soup. I’ve managed to exist in a world where I genuinely don’t know what happens - I refuse to watch the films until I’ve read the books - so I’m really excited to find out what happens next! It’s also a shorter audiobook than Fellowship, so I’m hoping I can get all sixteen hours listened to by the end of the month.

Book 4: A Quest To Save…

Guessing which books have quests and saving in just based on the blurb has been INTERESTING, let me tell you! But for this prompt I decided to go with Talon by Julie Kagawa. It’s been on my shelf unread for ages, and so it only seemed fair to give it a go in the interests of actually getting through my backlist. According to the blurb, the characters must “fight to save their bond of fulfil their fate and destroy one another”. So that seems like a quest to save themselves, which I’m all for! Also, this book involves dragons. And you know I love a good dragon story.

So there we have it! Those are the books I’m going to read for #MakeYourMythTaker. Are you joining in? Which path have you chosen? Let me know in the comments, or on twitter!

My Favourite Series

My Favourite Series

April Reading Wrap Up!

April Reading Wrap Up!