My July TBR + Reading Plans!

My July TBR + Reading Plans!

Last month was such a good month for reading, so I am super keen to make July just as good! Here’s what I'm hoping for from my reading in July…

I started the month with a #ReadATonne , which is a readathon I run on weekends from time to time where I really want to make a dent in my TBR. The info is here, and keep your eyes peeled for the next instalment!

Off the back of that, I decided to join another readathon: Becca’s Bookoplathon (11th-12th July). My friend Rosie let me know about this readathon, and I thought this sounded like a great way of denting my massive stack of books on my TBR - but without being able to plan my TBR beforehand! Information about the readathon is here. I’m so pleased about this because I’m such a mood reader - I’m hoping the prompts match what I fancy reading at that time!

This month also sees the start of the Schwab Readalong run by my friend Kate! I am a massive Schwab fan, but haven’t yet read all of her books, so this is a great way for me to get through that Schwab backlist! I’m so excited for this readathon, which runs all the way until the release of Addie in the autumn (which is one of my most hyped books of the year. I have never smashed a pre-order button so fast in my entire life). Details are all here.

I got a massive amount of books in June (my book haul is here) and so the next thing I want to do in July is dent that TBR! I have a lot of new, diverse reads that I think I’ll want to recommend to my students, so this month I really want to get a lot of these titles under my belt (TBR picture below!)

Speaking of hyped books, this month sees the release of Loveless by Alice Oseman. This is, aside from Addie, my most hyped book of the year. This is an asexual coming-out story set at university that features a Shakespeare Society, and amazing friendships. NEED I SAY MORE. *heart eyes all over the place*

I’m also really tempted to take part in The Reading Rush, which is a readathon that runs from 20th-26th July. The challenges for this year are here, and as this will be the first week of the summer holidays for me, I thought it sounded like a brilliant way to start the break - especially given that I won’t be going anywhere.

And of course, the end of this month would usually be YALC, which has had to be postponed. I’m really going to miss seeing all my bookish faves for an entire weekend, but I’m sure that we’ll all be chatting online as usual!

What are your reading plans for July?
Are you taking part in any readathons?
Let me know in the comments!

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