My Reading Journal

My Reading Journal

This year my bullet journal obsession reached a whole new level, and I decided to start reading journal. I’ll be honest, it’s almost entirely down to this video of Plant Based Bride’s, where I remembered how much I love scrapbook style and decided I needed this in my life asap.

The Notebook:

The notebook I’m using this year is a Notebook Therapy Tsuki Gentle Giant in B5. I did originally want an Archer and Olive square notebook, but due to Covid and Brexit and other frustrations, all the UK stockists were out of square notebooks. After a lot of dithering, I’m so glad I chose this one! The velvety cover feels lovely, and the little whale on the front is so adorable and relaxing!

The Style:

I already have a bullet journal for work, and a bullet journal for home (which, at the time of writing this, I’m so behind on February setup it’s almost embarrassing) so I knew if I did take the plunge for a reading journal, it would have to be minimal effort, maximum reward. The scrapbook style fits perfectly here. I went on to a variety of Etsy shops and stocked up on stickers, washi tape, and papers; I went round to the family in my bubble to use their printer to get a hard copy of all my Pinterest boards. Then it was time for assembly!

The Spreads:

I’ve done a mix of spreads so far. I’ve got my cover page as always, a resolutions/goals page, a book tally for the year, as well as my year in pre-orders and my year in Illumicrate. For each month I just want to keep a log of the titles I’ve read and whether I’ve reviewed them on here - in an attempt to keep me honest! I’ve seen lots of other trackers, but I’m wary of tracker-ing myself out so will see how February goes.


And that’s my reading journal for 2021! You can follow me for all journal and crafty pursuits over @writinghideoutart where I post more of my spreads from all my bujos.

Do you keep a reading journal? What spreads have you chosen this year?

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