My Favourite Booktubers!

My Favourite Booktubers!

I’ve recently been spending a lot more time on booktube, and I’ve discovered some fab accounts! These are the booktubers that I get super excited by every time I see a new video has dropped on their channel.

Kate - Reading Through Infinity

I was so excited when Kate said she was finally starting a booktube channel! Kate is one of my fave bookish humans and you should all go and subscribe to her already if you haven’t. I’m yet to read a book she’s recommended me that I haven’t loved. (See: Nimona).

My fave video so far: The LGBTQIAP+ Books and Blogging Liveshow!

Tazmyn - TeaBooksAndTazmyn

This is another booktube I’ve only just recently discovered - and it was through the wonderful range of liveshows that Tazmyn hosted that I found the channel! There’s such a wonderful range of liveshows that Tazmyn held throughout Pride month, I loved just pottering round the house doing chores while listening to what all the guests had to say, and I really loved those discussions!

My fave video so far: The Aromantic Asexual Liveshow

Starlah - StarlahReads

I found Starlah’s channel thanks to a twitter recommendation, and I love it! Lots of fantasy novels here, which are my jam, and I find that there are a lot of books Starlah recommends that I haven’t even heard of before, so I love how much I’m being inspired to add to my TBR with these videos!

My fave video so far: I need to read the books I own | Fantasy Series I Own and Haven't Read

Ashleigh - AFrolicThroughFiction

I can’t believe I’ve only just subbed to Ashleigh, because I swear I’ve been watching her videos for ages. Another channel focused on all things fantasy, which I love, and I find her reading vlogs so calming! I also blame Ashleigh for a large amount of the books on my TBR or my wishlist. And I love it.

My fave video so far: Finding A New Fave // Weekly Reading Vlog //

Joel - fictionalfates

Joel is an absolute ray of sunshine on booktube! His videos are just so lovely and bookish and happy - and also his reactions are on point. A very new booktuber but one you should definitely go support!

My fave video so far: Honestly, it was that Cape May video.

Simon - SavidgeReads

Simon’s channel is one of my faves. It’s a cheery corner of the internet and each of his videos really is just like settling down with a friend to have a good old natter about books. I also really like this channel because Simon reads almost exclusively non-YA and children’s, and so I feel like it’s a great way of finding out about books I might love. It’s down to his videos that I bought Hamnet, which is hands down my book of the year so far.

My fave video so far:

Jean - Jean Bookishthoughts

Jean is another channel that is fantasy-heavy, and I love that! I find fantasy is such a wide genre and everyone’s tastes in fantasy are so different, even if there is a bit of overlap, that this is a great way of me finding out about new books. Again, there’s quite a few recs on here that I hadn’t heard of before, so I really like that!

My fave video so far: The Mid Year Book Freakout Tag

VE Schwab - No Write Way

Not so much a booktuber, but I’ve been following VE Schwab’s channel thanks to her wonderful series, No Write Way, where she chats to an author on an insta live at the weekend. There’s been such a wide range of writers on there so far - some were authors I already knew and loved, and some were totally new to me and the chat inspired me to go and add their books to my TBR! I’m also in the middle of rewriting my WIP at the moment, and listening to authors talk about their craft really gets me back in the swing if I’m in a bit of a writing slump.

My fave chat so far: No Write Way with Tessa Gratton

Which booktubers do you subscribe to?

Let me know in the comments!

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